2023 State of Solar
Virginia has made considerable progress over the past decade toward cleaner, more sustainable energy. Solar has made incredible gains in Virginia since 2014, when output was less than 25 MW. In 2022, solar capacity was 4,286 MW. Read our full report about solar advances in the Commonwealth and what’s to come.
2019 Wind Report
Virginia has made great strides in promoting solar in the state, but little has been done for wind. Wind power is considered a renewable energy source, as it creates electricity using the naturally occurring air flows in the earth’s atmosphere. How can Virginia capture an harness this power in an efficient way? Read our full report here.
2019 Solar Report
Virginia is currently ranked 18th in the country in terms of solar deployment. This is an increase from 2018’s rank of 19th. The Commonwealth saw a marked increase in utility-scale solar in 2019. Read PBF’s full 2019 solar report here.
2018 Solar Report
Virginia now has 290.89 megawatts (MWs) of solar installed, which represents approximately .037% of its total electricity generated. Despite the increase in MW, Virginia’s national ranking for solar and renewable energy slipped from 17th in 2016 to 20th in 2017. This indicates that other states have embraced this highly competitive industry and are reaping its rewards, while Virginia has lagged behind.