2017 Virginia General Assembly: What is Crossover and Why is it Important?

The 2017 Virginia General Assembly convenes its short 45-day session today in Richmond. The session adjourns on Saturday, February 25, the 46th day.

But “crossover” means there actually is less time than that. Crossover occurs at the session midpoint and marks the day when bills must pass one house or the other or die for the session.

So, we have approximately 1 month to make sure our state legislators hear from us about what is important to us and to effect change in Virginia in 2017 and beyond. On our main page, we have added a Countdown to Crossover clock, which we hope will serve as a reminder of the urgency needed from all Virginians to reach out to their Delegates and Senators to communicate your priorities for the Commonwealth.

Here at Powered by Facts, we are focused on solar energy and expanding the energy mix in Virginia. More solar for the Commonwealth means:

• more opportunities for both businesses and individuals alike,
• more jobs,
• lower rates for customers, and a
• more attractive business climate.

In the coming weeks, we will highlight the solar legislation that is under consideration in the 2017 General Assembly and share our thoughts on them and why they are beneficial to Virginia businesses and individuals. We also will share letters that you can send to your Delegates and Senators to let them know that you support more solar in Virginia.


Support Virginia Farmers by Advocating for SB 1394 & HB 2303


From the Charlotte Observer: Solar farm may sprout on a Charlotte landfill closed for decades