Countdown to Election Day: Which Virginia Legislators Support Solar Energy?

Spotlight on Delegate Randy Minchew

Over the coming weeks, Powered by Facts will be recognizing legislators who are leading the way on solar energy policy in Virginia.  A member of the House of Delegates since 2011, Del. Randy Minchew (R-10th District) is one such legislator.

We had the chance to interview Del. Minchew about renewable energy, conservation and solar power recently. He is an active member of the bipartisan Virginia Environment and Renewable Energy (VERE) Caucus, which as he notes, works together to promote renewable energy and energy independence – a common-ground issue for many Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and the Green party.

Del. Minchew has been very involved in promoting ag-net metering, which allows private residences and farms to connect their solar arrays to the existing power grid and decrease their utility bills, for the past two sessions of the Virginia General Assembly.

As he notes, he feels that turning to renewable energy is good for businesses and knows it can produce thousands of jobs in the state of Virginia. Del. Minchew describes his support for renewable energy as “energy liberty” that appeals to the American ethic of self-reliance.


Countdown to Election Day: Which Virginia Gubernatorial Candidates Support Solar?


Countdown to Election Day: Which Virginia Delegates Support Solar?