Enjoy Earth Day! Learn How to Make Changes for Virginia and the Planet.

350 Loudoun and several other organizations celebrated Earth Day early with a gathering focused on educating area citizens about climate change and sharing ways that each of us can make small changes to reduce our carbon footprint.

Powered by Facts attended the event at Corcoran Brewing in Purcellville hoping to spread the word that we all need to continue to let Virginia legislators know that renewable energy is a priority. Even though Commonwealth Senators and Delegates are not in session, they want to hear from their constituents about the things that are important to them.

SB 779HB 1285 and HB 1286 were shelved for further discussion, so making your voice heard about solar and renewable energy during the legislative “off season” is more important than ever.

A few things that resonated with the crowd at Sunday’s event:

  • Virginia produces less solar energy than Georgia and North Carolina (and approximately 35 other states)!

  • SB 779 could help Virginia farmers “harvest” the sun to create additional revenue streams.

  • Passage of HB 444, which requires electric utilities in the Commonwealth to notify customers every quarter about how they can purchase renewable energy, was a small, but important step in the right direction.

Powered by Facts’ interns from C.S. Monroe Technology Center in Leesburg created a flyer with the names and contact information for Northern Virginia legislators:<image001.jpg>

We hope they – and you – will take a few minutes to reach out to your Delegate and Senator to show support for solar and other renewable energy options in the Commonwealth.

We will continue to be at events in the coming months – hopefully further afield – and will let you know where we will be!


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