Farming the Sun – Farmers Need Your Help w/SB 779, VA Renewable Energy

Help Virginia Farmers: Tell Richmond you Support SB 779

If you support your local farmers – and Virginia has many of them – then you must contact Senators Richard Stuart and Frank Wagner today to lend your support Senate Bill 779 (click here). The bill is being discussed Monday and will rise or fall on whether these senators know that you support it.

Virginia’s rich history of agriculture has many manifestations, from grape growing and wine making to dairy, the equine industry and grain and vegetable growing. Living here, you know how all of these enhance our quality of life.

Here are some other things you should know about Virginia farmers and agriculture:

  • Virginia’s agriculture pumps $55 billion dollars into the economy annually and employs more than 350,000 people in the Commonwealth.

  • The average size of a Virginia farm is only about 171 acres.

  • Farming is risky: everything from weather, pests and market fluctuations can affect crops and profits.

There is a way for all of us to help our local farmers by enabling them to create an additional long-term predictable source of revenue from solar farming – Virginia renewable energy in action.

Senate Bill 779, sponsored by Senator Stuart (District 28), does just that and represents a boon for farmers. The bill, introduced this week, encourages farmers to farm the sun alongside their crops. It will allow them to produce power for their own needs and sell power, either to other customers or back to their utility.

Farmers now can turn land that is unsuitable for traditional crops into a new type of revenue.  Moreover, because the life span of a solar array is about 25 years, it could lower their risk and create a predictable income stream. This would protect their financial future, safeguard the agriculture industry and – ultimately – ensure that all Virginians have the opportunity to continue to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Support SB 779 and Virginia farmers today.

Email or call:

Senator Richard Stuart: or 804-698-7528

Senator Frank Wagner: or 804-698-7507

Visit the Senate Bill 779 Page of Sen. Stuart – for more contact options, take a poll, post your public comments!


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