Tell Virginia Governor McAuliffe you Support HB 444 and SB 745

It’s Not Too Late to Support Virginia Renewable Energy

There is still time to support renewable energy legislation for the Commonwealth of Virginia. The end of the 2016 General Assembly is approaching fast, so make time now to contact Governor Terry McAuliffe to let him know that you support Senate Bill 745 and House Bill 444.

These identical bills have passed in the House and the Senate and now are with the Governor, who has until midnight on March 8 to sign, amend or veto them. These bills would require the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) to post on its website the names and telephone numbers of electric energy suppliers licensed to sell renewable electric energy in Virginia, as well as to provide links to the companies’ websites. The measures also require each Virginia investor-owned electric utility to include a notice in bills about this information on the SCC website at least once each calendar quarter.

Please encourage Governor McAuliffe to sign SB 745 and HB 444 by sending a note from his Contact page or by calling his office at 804-786-2211.

While these may not seem groundbreaking, they are a step in the right direction. After all, the Commonwealth continues to lag behind many other states, including North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, Maryland, Delaware, Florida and many others, in terms of renewable energy production, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Maybe providing easier access to information on the SCC website and requiring our electric utilities to remind ratepayers where to find options for renewable power will help Virginia start to improve its renewable energy mix.

If you believe, as I do, that Virginia can do better, then make sure to thank Delegate Manoli Loupassi and Senator Frank Wagner for their efforts with these bills on behalf of renewable energy this session.

Delegate G. Manoli Loupassi   (R) – District 68

(804) 440-6223

Senator Frank W. Wagner (R) – District 7

(804) 698-7507

There is much to do over the next 10 months to ensure that all Virginia Senators and Delegates understand how important changing the renewable energy mix in our state is to business, agriculture and economic growth potential.


Virginia’s View of Renewable Energy is Changing


Senator Wagner: Reduce VA’s Reliance on Imported Electricity and Expand Renewable Energy Options