10 Tips to Save on Your Energy Bill

The moratorium on utility service disconnections has ended. Even though Dominion has stated it will not cut service during the pandemic this is a good opportunity for all of us to examine our energy consumption and find ways to save. Powered by Facts has compiled tips on maximizing your energy efficiency.

1.     Replace Lightbulbs: LED lightbulbs consume up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent lightbulbs.

2.     Smart Power Strips: Electronics that are plugged in, even when switched off, consume a great deal of energy. Smart power strips cut the energy to electronics not in use and can save hundreds of dollars each year.

3.     Use Cold Water: Most washing machines and dishwashers can operate efficiently using cold water. Give your water heater a break whenever possible.

4.     Opt for the Dishwasher: Using the dishwasher rather than hand washing uses 5,000 fewer gallons of hot water per year.

5.     Seal Leaks: Air leaks through gaps around windows and doors. Sealing these gaps can save between 5% and 30% in energy usage.

6.     Check Your Refrigerator: Refrigerators should stay between 37 and 40 degrees and freezers should be set to 0 degrees.

7.     Water Heater: Set your water heater to 120 degrees.

8.     Use Task Lighting: Instead of turning on ceiling lights, consider turning on a lamp to complete your task.

9.     Consider an Upgrade: If you have money to invest in your home, swapping out old electronics, water heaters, and appliances will generally pay for itself within a year.

10.  Receive an Audit: Energy auditors use specialized tools to find the most optimal way to invest in energy efficiency efforts.  


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