Virginia General Assembly Begins Soon: Quick Links to Help Keep Solar Energy at the Forefront with Legislators

The 2018 Virginia General Assembly will run for 60 days starting Wednesday, January 10. Powered by Facts hopes to see Virginia lawmakers pass solar and renewable energy legislation that will help the Commonwealth strengthen its energy grid, create more jobs and attract more businesses.

Last year, lawmakers passed several pieces of solar legislation that proved that the solar industry, electric utilities and others – Appalachian Power, Dominion Energy, MD-DC-VA Solar Energy Industry Association, Powered By Facts, the Southern Environmental Law Center and Virginia’s Electric Cooperatives, among others – can work together to move Virginia forward.

From successful passage of AgGEN, which allows farmers to generate additional revenue from solar energy, to a bill that allowed for an increase in Virginia solar energy storage development, 2017 was a great start in the direction of building a more robust solar and renewable energy portfolio for the Commonwealth.

More needs to be done, and we need your continued involvement. Here are ways you can keep track of the bills that are up for consideration, status of bills and schedule of meetings, among other legislative activities:

  • Check back here to keep updated on solar and renewable energy bills and their status.

  • Find the schedule of meetings and status of discussion on bills here.

  • Click on the list of House of Delegates’ Members to find contact information here.

  • Access contact information for Senate Members here.

  • A full session calendar for the 2018 General Assembly can be found here.

Powered by Facts will keep you updated on proposed bills specific to solar and other renewable energy throughout the 2018 General Assembly on our News Page and here on our Myths vs. Facts page. We also have joined a coalition of organizations dedicated to keeping on top of proposed legislation and sharing that information with our communities. Called VA Our Way (VOW), we will work closely with each other to share information and to help our readers understand how we can continue to make change for the Commonwealth by making our voices heard on important issues. We will update you soon on VOW.


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